0170TER1.ZIP 572,097 04-16-95 Terminate v1.70 Gamma. FREEWARE Internetcomm terminal with multi task-windows underDOS, OS/2 Warp or Windows. 1/4.
0170TER2.ZIP 560,489 04-16-95 Terminate v1.70 Gamma. Fax Manager receivesFax, Fido Mailer OR Data calls to IEMSI &ANSI/Avatar MiniHost with an adaptiveanswer modem on a single phone line! 2/4.
0170TER3.ZIP 276,204 04-16-95 Terminate v1.70 Gamma. RIPscrip v1.54graphics for both terminal and the integralQWK'em offline mailreader. 3/4.
ACOM12.ZIP 539,809 06-10-95 Acomm v1.2 for Windows. CommunicationsTerminal. Auto Port/Modem detect, Modemdatabase, Ripscrip/Ansibbs/vt100.
ADP1_3.ZIP 400,978 05-10-95 Auto Dialer Phonebook v1.3 for Windows.
ALTPP15B.ZIP 467,156 04-22-95 Alpha - The Pager Program v1.5b for Windows.
AMAIL500.ZIP 217,161 05-18-95 Amail v5.00. CompuServe mailer that enablesyou to easily handle your daily electronicmail, while reducing your CIS onlinecharges.
ANZL102F.ZIP 68,969 05-08-95 Anzio Lite v1.02f for Windows. Terminalemulation program that includes emulationof several popular terminals, sizabletext/window, 80/132 column support,pass-through print, and more. RequiresWINSOCK.DLL.
APAGE12.ZIP 40,767 04-23-95 Auto Page v1.2. Calls your Pager after yourphone rings. Never miss another call again.
BBS221.ZIP 174,351 06-09-95 BBS Access v2.21. Easy-to-use datacommunications program for calling BBSs anduploading & downloading files.
BBSR16.ZIP 266,368 04-06-95 Crater Rim's FREE Comm Package with 19internal protocols! Features Emulink systemto emulate the command key sets for most ofthe major comm packages.
BCOM15C.ZIP 101,370 04-18-95 BananaCom v1.5c Simple com program.Excellent for the first time modem user andperfect for people who help people usemodems.
BEEPERS.ZIP 80,498 05-19-95 Setup a database of frequently calledbeepers and assign the number that you wantto send to that beeper.
CISSRC20.ZIP 207,949 05-26-95 CIS File Search Utility v2.0. Ideal toolfor finding and analysing the wealth ofinformation you retrieve from Compuserve.
COMRAT20.ZIP 58,545 04-10-95 ComRate v2.0 for Windows. CommunicationRater. Supports any communication softwarefor any Online Service and any TerminalSoftware. ComRate counts chargesautomatically by watching for Modemactivities.
CSLAV113.ZIP 486,566 05-25-95 CompuSlave v1.13 <ASP> CompuServe Messagedatabase imports CompuServe forum capturefiles into a database, converting them toindividual messages.
CVIEW20.ZIP 162,285 05-12-95 CView v2.0 for Windows. File CabinetReader. Helps you control the clutter inyour WinCIM and CSNav Compuserve filecabinet.
DIALW410.ZIP 809,238 05-17-95 Telephone speed dialer for Windows.
DSZ0607.ZIP 91,856 06-07-95 DSZ X/Y/ZModem comm protocol driver:06/07/95.
DSZ0607X.ZIP 39,289 06-07-95 DSZ X/Y/Zmodem transfer module,crosscompiled EXE version of DSZ; requiresmore memory than the COM version, isslightly faster, allows B parameter valuesup to 16384 and supports file sharing.
EASYUP20.ZIP 271,655 05-11-95 Easy Uploads v2.00 for Windows. Save Time/$uploading to CIS with WinCIM or CSNav.
EASYUPRO.ZIP 381,114 05-11-95 Easy Uploads Pro v2.00 for Windows.
EAWC103.ZIP 258,661 05-18-95 EMail Assist for WinCIM v1.03. Add-in forCompuServe Information Manager for Windows.It adds three major features to WinCIM:spell checking, quoting, and userdefinedmacros, called signatures.
FAX_V404.ZIP 675,667 05-18-95 FaxMail v4.04 for Windows. Adds full FAXingcapability menu to all Applications.Includes a Fax/Modem-tester.
FONEW331.ZIP 320,545 06-08-95 DiaLog v3.31 for Windows. Phone dialer,logger and much more.
FXP_TD.ZIP 568,407 05-05-95 FaxPrint for BusinessWorks Test Drive.Usefull for faxing from DOS or Windowsprograms.
GSZ0607.ZIP 111,701 06-07-95 GSZ is DSZ with a different file transferscreen; supports SHARE, faster thanDSZ.COM, slower than DSZ.EXE; uses morememory than either.
GTERM420.ZIP 689,554 04-29-95 Land Of Devestation term program. Many newfetures.
HQFAX30.ZIP 318,876 05-03-95 One-Step High Quality FAX v3.0. Providesmany value adding features for your FAXmodem. Works with virtually all FAX modems.Produce and send FAX-ready files in asingle step.
IZM110.ZIP 132,862 05-15-95 IceZmodem v1.1. Protocol-Chat, DOS, Editor,more! Amazing new Zmodem file transferprotocol with 100% standard Zmodemcompatibility and many enhancements.
KEYAOLAZ.ZIP 30,604 05-18-95 America Online Keyword listing.
LOGT2_0.ZIP 150,401 05-31-95 LogTick v2.0 for Windows. Enables you tokeep track of phone costs incurred w/amodem.
MDMINIT.ZIP 9,856 05-19-95 Text files for Zoom, Hayes & USR on highspeed modem initialization strings.
MMS001.ZIP 336,578 06-06-95 Modemming Made Simple is intended to makefile transfers between computers easier fornovice users, and more convenient for allusers.
MODEM404.ZIP 32,040 05-18-95 FaxModem Wizard v4.04. Checks your comportsand displays IRQ's and what if anything, isconnected to each port.
MODSTA17.ZIP 158,189 04-25-95 ModemSta v1.7 for Windows. Animated iconreplica or larger indicator displays ofmodem's front panel.
MOOGOO11.ZIP 30,215 05-06-95 Moo Goo Gai Pan Macros for Commo. Hasability to redefine keyboard withoutediting files, to store macro files outsideof Commo directory, file manager, screensaver and more.
M_AWAY20.ZIP 276,292 04-20-95 MailAway v2.0 for Windows. Transfer filesdirectly from your PC to another computerat a remote location.
NEWEXCAL.ZIP 920,946 05-07-95 Excalibur Terminal v0.82. The Chat featureis also included. A must for those who wishto be a part of the next step in BBScommunications.
NRA60_D0.ZIP 378,604 04-19-95 NetRemote Async v6.00 for Windows. Async(modem) remote control & access, filetransfer.
NUTCOM08.ZIP 85,385 04-28-95 Simple and FREE comm program which featuresauto Zmodem downloading.
OBBSL011.ZIP 34,565 04-08-95 The Offline BBS Lister! Search by AreaCode, City, State. SysOps, get your BBSadded to this programs database!
ONLTT303.ZIP 380,093 06-03-95 Online Time Tracker v3.0.3 for Windows.Tracks time spent on online services.
OPTCM101.ZIP 109,981 05-09-95 Communication Port Optimization v1.01 forCOM ports 1-4. Optimize your communicationsby switching your BIOS addresses. Resultsin faster connections, especially @ 28.8.
PACC106.ZIP 1,431,763 05-08-95 PowerAccess v1.06 for Windows. Freeterminal program offering amazingMULTIMEDIA experience online for PowerBBSBBS systems, as well as full ANSI access toother BBS'!
PAGEME23.ZIP 198,100 06-15-95 Pageme v2.3 for Windows. Handles com 1-4,sorts entries, works on DTMF "touch tonetype pagers, not on alpha pagers.
QCOM320.ZIP 443,107 05-31-95 QCom v3.20. Easy to use, featuresauto-script maker, scroll-back with quoter,mini-BBS host, music support, file taggingfor batch uploads and easy modem setup.
QDLR205.ZIP 211,927 05-30-95 QDialer v2.04 for Windows. Quick and easyway to setup Phone Numbers that you callfrequently.
RPIFACTS.ZIP 5,596 04-11-95 The FACTS about RPI modems. Presentssobering facts about modems using theRockwell Protocol Interface. Based on a FAQprepared by Zoltrix, it lays out thelimitations of RPI in easy to understandlanguage.
SIRDESC.ZIP 71,007 05-02-95 Play Descent with up to 8 players viamodem. Built in terminal that will callyour favorite Major BBS system running themulti-player version of Game Connectionv1.46+.
SLICK65M.ZIP 232,840 06-14-95 Slick v6.5M. Small comm program.
SMPT_101.ZIP 123,221 04-04-95 SimpTerm v1.01. Test/debug up to 4 serialdevices at a time. Terminal EmulationProgram that supports any Address/IRQ/Baudsetting.
TCALL102.ZIP 917,556 04-22-95 TheCall v1.02 for Windows. Feature richTerminal written by SysOps who listened tousers. Drag and Drop file transfers fromFile Manager, Script Language, Auto Zmodem,Simple Installation, Toolbar, Direct accessto Mail Re
TM420UP.ZIP 444,599 06-14-95 Telemate v4.20. Upgrade files for v4.xx.Contains the files required to upgrade fromTelemate 3.xx, 4.xx to 4.20.
TM420_1.ZIP 165,277 06-14-95 Telemate v4.20. Powerful multi-threadingcommunication program featuringANSI/Avatar/ VT52/VT102 terminal, editor,viewer, huge backscroll, clipboard and manyunique functions. 1/4.
TM420_2.ZIP 230,476 06-14-95 Telemate v4.20. 2/4.
TM420_3.ZIP 170,441 06-14-95 Telemate v4.20. 3/4.
TM420_4.ZIP 228,326 06-14-95 Telemate v4.20. 4/4.
TRKDEMO.ZIP 364,676 05-17-95 Trakker v2.2 for windows. Off-lineCompuserve navigater. Provides efficientoptions for downloading files, includingpowerful search fields, user-defineddatabase of Compuserve's 1000+ forums andmore.
TWHELP88.ZIP 247,480 05-15-95 Trade Wars Helper release v8.8. Terminalprogram used ONLINE with the BBS door game"Trade Wars 2002".
WINTEL.ZIP 240,765 05-15-95 Wintel v2.2.2 for Windows. Terminalfeatures include a phonebook which storesyour remote service names, phone numbersand communication settings, ASCII/xmodem/xmodem1k/ymodem batch/zmodem protocolsupport.
ZR_B451F.ZIP 148,042 06-04-95 ZyRion v4.51 Beta-2. Fast and Reliable.Error free batch transfers.